Thursday 10 April 2014

Our final day in Japan

We spend our time in Japan, out all day, training around and eating ourselves silly. I loved waking up every morning, having a milk tea and a Mr Donut, then catching a train to the city. We would do some sightseeing, have a yummy lunch, and try and meet our friends in the
evenings for dinner. It was hectic to try and meet up with everyone, but we were able to see the majority of people we had wanted to. We had packed suitcases to the brim (all four of them) and were finally ready to head back to Beijing. I think we spent our
final day in Japan the same way we spent it last summer - with some rowing on the lake, some deer feeding in Nara park, and a couple of hours of karaoke. And seriously, there couldn't have been any other way to finish our time in Japan. I love rowing on the lake in Nara Park.
Especially in April, there are very few people there yet, and the deer are still hungry. We took some photos in the deer park that were identical to the ones we took on our final day in Japan last time. I know when we return we will have to take the same photos. We found a group of deer to pose with, and take amazing "Snow White" photos with too, which added to the fun. Eventually we had to leave, and as we left the gates of Nara Park, I remember crying just like I did when we moved home - and knowing that I would return, no matter what.

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