Sunday 17 October 2010

Museums with Sarah

Sarah had never been to London so I decided it would be a good idea to do at least one museum when we went to collect Mike and so we started with the Science Museum.We had to walk through a really pretty park (Hyde Park I think) too. We saw lots of what I had seen with Mike, but found a whole extra floor of planes and the history of flight, which Mike would have loved! Sarah had never seen the big dinosaur from the Natural Hisorty museum, so we went there soon, and saw some nice rocks, played with some of the water games and went on the mock earthquake ride. It was good fun, and a shame we didn't have longer because it' a really awsome place, but we had to brave the awful rush hour traffic to get to London City to get Mike. It was absolute chaos, and I was terrified, but deseperate to see Mike and Sarah got a fab tour of all the sights of London on our way!

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